
4 Ways Kombucha Can Help Treat Acne Breakouts

Acne is a common skin condition that can be both physically and emotionally painful. Although there are many acne treatments, not all of them work for everyone. 

One treatment option that has been gaining popularity in recent years is Kombucha. Kombucha is an ancient fermented tea drink known to have numerous health benefits. 

In addition, research suggests that drinking this beverage may also help improve the symptoms of acne by reducing inflammation on the skin’s surface!

1. Kombucha Helps Balance The Gut Microbiome

Kombucha is a fermented tea rich in probiotics, which are live, healthy bacteria. These beneficial bacteria can help restore and maintain a balanced gut environment. Below I have listed some of the key nutrients found in Kombucha.

  • Probiotics: Kombucha introduces a variety of Lactobacillus species to my gut.
  • Organic Acids: I’ve noticed organic acids, such as acetic acid, in kombucha that promote a healthy gut pH, inhibiting harmful bacteria.
  • Polyphenols: Its antioxidant properties, enabled by polyphenols, protect my cells from oxidative stress.
  • Other Nutrients: Kombucha provides a spectrum of vitamins and minerals that nourish my gut lining, improving its function.
Nutrients in KombuchaBenefits
VitaminsSupport gut wall and overall immunity
MineralsAid digestive processes
AntioxidantsDefend against oxidative stress

The idea is that by consuming kombucha, I’m fortifying my gut with microbes that can strengthen my immune system, potentially leading to clearer skin. While research continues, my understanding is that a balanced gut microbiome is key for overall health, influencing skin condition indirectly. However, I remain cautious to attribute skin improvements solely to kombucha without further evidence.

2. Kombucha Helps Detoxify The Body

Kombucha is also touted for its detoxifying properties, which can potentially affect skin health. Kombucha is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which help combat free radicals—molecules that can damage cells.

Based on analyzing several of the most popular brands I’ve found that the drink’s detoxifying effects come in part from its composition of healthy bacteria and probiotics. These beneficial microbes aid digestion and contribute to a healthier gut microbiome, which is linked to improved skin health. By improving gut health, kombucha might help reduce the occurrence of acne breakouts.

Moreover, the organic acids present in kombucha are believed to promote detoxification. These acids assist in the body’s natural cleaning process, potentially helping to clear toxins that may contribute to skin issues. Kombucha also contains various vitamins, including B vitamins, and minerals that support overall health, including that of the skin.

  • Antioxidants: Neutralize harmful free radicals
  • Probiotics: Promote a healthy gut microbiome
  • Organic Acids: Assist the body’s detoxification process
  • Vitamins/Minerals: Support general health, indirectly benefiting the skin

I always stress that, while kombucha might play a role in supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes, its effects on acne will vary from person to person. It should be considered as part of a holistic approach to skin health rather than a standalone remedy.

3. Kombucha Improves Skin Hydration

The polyphenols in kombucha are potent antioxidants, protecting the skin from oxidative stress and aiding in retaining moisture. Further, kombucha’s organic acids, such as gluconic acid, improve the skin’s natural barrier, ensuring hydration is maintained.

Moreover, kombucha contains an array of vitamins and minerals essential for skin health. Notably, Vitamin B, found in kombucha, helps the skin hold onto moisture, which leads to improved hydration levels. Consuming kombucha may also introduce beneficial enzymes and amino acids, which support the skin’s suppleness.

Here’s a breakdown of kombucha’s components contributing to skin hydration:

  • Antioxidants: Combat free radicals that can dry out the skin.
  • Probiotics: Balance the skin’s microbiome for overall health.
  • Organic Acids: Assist in maintaining the skin’s protective barrier.
  • Vitamins: Particularly B vitamins, vital for retaining skin moisture.
  • Minerals: Contribute to the proper function and hydration of skin cells.

Incorporating kombucha into my routine has been a positive step towards maintaining hydrated and healthy skin. I find it important to remind others that while kombucha can be beneficial, it should complement a balanced diet and proper skincare regimen.

4. Kombucha is Anti-Inflammatory

Kombucha’s anti-inflammatory properties can play a role in skincare and might influence conditions such as acne due to its composition of beneficial acids and microorganisms.

Influencing Immune Response

My investigation reveals that kombucha can modulate the immune system. It contains various acids like glucuronic acid which aid in detoxification processes. This detoxification may reduce the load on the immune system, thereby lessening inflammation that could otherwise exacerbate skin conditions like acne or eczema.

Antioxidants and Inflammatory Skin Conditions

Kombucha is rich in antioxidants—compounds I identify as crucial in combating oxidative stress within the body. Oxidative stress, an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, is known to contribute to inflammation and can aggravate skin conditions including acne, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. By supplying antioxidants, kombucha can potentially assist in neutralizing free radicals, which might reduce inflammation linked to these skin issues.

Kombucha and Skin Health

I understand that many individuals are looking into natural remedies for skin care, including the popular fermented beverage kombucha. This section explores how kombucha might benefit skin health, specifically examining the role of probiotics and the drink’s components.

Role of Probiotics in Skin Care

I’ll start by informing you about the relationship between probiotics and skin health. Probiotics, or healthy bacteria, are known to support gut health, which can in turn influence skin condition. Topical application of probiotics can also provide benefits:

  • Balance: They help maintain the skin’s microbiome balance.
  • Protection: Probiotics may protect against harmful bacteria and environmental damage.

Kombucha Ingredients and Their Effects on Skin

Now, let’s dissect the ingredients in kombucha and their potential skin health benefits. Kombucha is a rich concoction, primarily consisting of:

  • Antioxidants: Combat oxidative stress and may reduce the signs of aging.
  • Vitamins: Including vitamin C, which is vital for skin repair and regeneration.
  • Minerals: Trace minerals are crucial for maintaining healthy skin function.

Furthermore, the organic acids and polyphenols in kombucha might help to detoxify the skin. The precise impact of these ingredients on acne breakouts requires more research, but the combination of these compounds could potentially promote healthier skin.

Dermatological Viewpoint on Kombucha

I understand that when considering unconventional treatments like kombucha for acne, it’s crucial to explore what dermatologists have to say regarding its efficacy and alternative treatments they might recommend.

Expert Opinions on Fermented Tea’s Effectiveness

Dermatologists often base their assessments on scientific evidence. Kombucha, a fermented tea, is recognized by some skin experts for its potential antimicrobial properties. These properties stem from the fermentation process, which enriches kombucha with various organic acids. It’s these acids that may help combat acne-causing bacteria on the skin’s surface. However, it’s important to note that while kombucha might have beneficial properties in vitro, clinical trials that confirm its effectiveness for reducing acne breakouts are limited. In comparison, treatments like retinol and tretinoin have been extensively studied and are supported by robust clinical data, making them established options in dermatologic care.

  • Antimicrobial properties: Potentially beneficial
  • Clinical evidence for acne treatment: Limited

Alternative Acne Treatments Recommended by Dermatologists

When I discuss acne treatments with dermatologists, they typically recommend proven methods over anecdotal ones. Widely-endorsed treatments include topicals such as retinol and tretinoin, which promote cell turnover and can reduce inflammation. Dermatologists may also suggest:

  1. Topical antibiotics: To combat acne-causing bacteria.
  2. Salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide: For their keratolytic and antimicrobial effects.
  3. Oral medications: Like antibiotics or isotretinoin, for more severe cases.
  4. Hormonal treatments: Including birth control or spironolactone, especially if acne is hormone-related.

These alternatives are recommended based on their proven track records in clinical settings. They are each backed by substantial research demonstrating their efficacy in the reduction of acne breakouts.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented drink made with the Kombucha culture/mushroom. The end product is a lightly effervescent, sweetened tea. The drink has been around for centuries and can be made at home or purchased commercially to enjoy as a beverage. 

It has been used for centuries by different cultures worldwide and is known for its beneficial effects on health. 

How Does Kombucha Affect Acne?

Kombucha also contains other helpful ingredients like amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins B complex (B12), C & E, folate/folic acid, magnesium potassium & calcium, along with glucaric acid that supports healthy hormone balance in the body. 

These nutrients work synergistically to promote beautiful skin by helping clear congested pores while replenishing vital minerals used up during periods of stress or hormonal change. This can reduce blemishes, acne, and skin eruptions. 

Kombucha has been shown to reduce acne symptoms by inhibiting the growth of acne bacteria, which plays a role in all acne types, including cystic forms. Kombucha also contains acne-safe probiotics that help regulate a healthy gut biome. Even if you do not want to drink Kombucha you should consider supplementing with acne-safe probiotics to keep inflammation down and your skin clear.

In addition, it also helps compensate for deficiencies in nutrients like selenium & zinc that are necessary for proper immune system function; both essential factors in controlling severe cases of acne vulgaris.

How To Make Kombucha At Home

There are a few ways you can ingest kombucha at home, such as through drinking it, topical application to the skin, or taking capsules. For example, one of the most common ways to make kombucha is by drinking it. 

In addition, Kombucha tea can be brewed at home or purchased commercially. Once you have your batch made, some people like to experiment with adding flavors and sugars to experience different kinds of tea throughout their brewing process. 

While this is not necessary for enjoying a cup of healthy kombucha on its own, if you are interested in experimenting with new flavor combinations, then go ahead! 

Just remember that when making large batches, these extra ingredients will need to be added proportionally (e.g., use about one-tenth the amount compared to commercial types).

Kombucha Soap

Most people think of Kombucha as something you drink, however it can be used in a variety of different mediums including soap and moisturizer.

Andalou Naturals offers a natural, antioxidant-rich cleansing gel that purifies pores and balances oily skin with featured argan stem cells and kombucha probiotics. 

Their decision to use only organic ingredients means this gentle cleanser is superior in quality yet cost-effective for your peace of mind. 

They never test their products on animals! Hide or neutralize acne blemishes while leaving your complexion brighter and more radiant by using the Clear Skin range from Andalou Naturals. 

Gentle argan stem cells and kombucha probiotic formulas go deep down to remove excess sebum oil that causes breakouts while banishing pesky bacteria that lead to spotty skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to drink kombucha every day?

Kombucha can be consumed every day as long as you follow the serving suggestions from above. Also, kombucha doesn’t have to be only a seasonal beverage! If you aren’t having any adverse effects and are feeling good, drink up all year long!

How long does it take for kombucha to work?

After about two weeks, it should start to work. However, if your acne doesn’t improve after a month of drinking this beverage, perhaps something else could be causing your skin issues.

What happens when you first start drinking kombucha?

Many people experience detoxing symptoms such as light nausea when first drinking kombucha. This is because kombucha contains so many probiotics and beneficial acids, which can help reduce inflammation in your gut. All these symptoms will pass within a few days!

Originally Published: January 12, 2024

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sam wood is GoodGlow's Chief Editor
Analyzed by Sam Wood

Hi, I’m Sam Wood, the chief editor, lead acne expert, and health coach at GoodGlow, as well as a best-selling author for one of the top acne books on Amazon. I struggled with acne for over 10 years, and began studying the effects of diet on skin quality while pursuing a degree in Nutrition Sciences at the University of Missouri. After shifting from mainstream skincare trends to in-depth research in medical journals, I experienced significant personal success in managing my acne. This inspired me to start GoodGlow, where I simplify complex scientific findings into easy-to-understand advice. With over 10 years in the field, I’ve helped more than 2,500 people achieve clearer skin through natural, holistic methods, and I’m dedicated to personally assisting those seeking guidance on their acne journey.

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